Regional Group of Fribourg

The Fribourg regional group was founded in 1978. Its members are archaeologists and students as well as friends of Classical art and culture from the region of Fribourg. Its activities center on the Chair for Classical Archaeology of the University, which Lilly Kahil held for more than 30 years. At present, Véronique Dasen and Jean-Robert Gisler hold teaching posts. The regional group offers lectures, guided tours to exhibitions and excursions.

Head of the Regional Group:
Priv. doc. Dr. Jean-Robert Gisler
Séminaire d’archéologie classique
Rue Pierre-Aeby 16
1700 Fribourg
tél. 026 300 78 30
fax 026 300 97 14

Musée d’art et d’histoire
Rue de Morat 12
1700 Fribourg
tél.  026 305 51 40
fax  026 305 51 41